TRi Facts | Fact-checking courses

Course 1

Introducing Fact-Checking and Verification Tools is a four-week course intended to provide journalists and the public with the basic skills and tools to determine the credibility of information, including articles published online, and images and videos that are spread via social media.

Updated | 8 June 2020

Course 2

Taking Fact-Checking Further covers the fact-checking techniques adopted by Africa Check and similar organisations around the world to assess claims and information in the public domain.

Updated | 8 June 2020

Meet your instructors

Hi, I'm Kweli. I will help you explore the fascinating world of fact-checking, sharing useful tips and advice all along the way. Spaces for our fact-checking courses are limited, so make sure you apply soon.

Hi, my name is Carina. I'm head of education and training at TRi Facts, Africa Check’s training, research and information unit.