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Useful sources about Africa

Crime & justice

UN Office on Drugs and Crime database

The UN Office on Drugs and Crime’s database gives statistics on police, data, criminal justice and prisons across the world and in Africa.

Research that synthesises inequality in Sub-Saharan African

Informality and Inclusive Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa forms part of a research paper series from the University of Cape Town's Development Policy Research Unit. It undertakes a regional evidence synthesis examining literature and case studies from the sub-Saharan Africa region on income, inequality and inclusive growth.

Economic trade and exports in sub-Saharan Africa

The World Bank's World Integrated Trade Solution publishes economic data on exports, imports, products, tariffs, GDP and other development indicators in sub-Saharan Africa.

Comparative data measuring children’s ability to read for meaning

The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) provides comparative data on student learning in reading. It is conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. It has assessed reading comprehension in over 60 countries since 2001.

UNICEF primary and secondary out-of-school rates by sex

UNICEF provides aggregated data on primary and secondary education including the out-of-school population of boys and girls for the years 2000 to 2015.

Regional survey data on school resources and learning in Africa

This UNESCO report from 2016 contains key results of a regional survey on factors affecting the quality of education in Africa. It looks at school resources and the learning environment across the continent.

Education financing in Africa

This research report uses data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics to investigate the financing of education in sub-Saharan Africa, specifically looking at the challenges of education expansion, equity and quality.

UNESCO database of education standards in Africa

The Education in Africa database by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics provides data on school standards on the continent.

Tertiary education access in sub-Saharan Africa

"Sharing higher education’s promise beyond the few in Sub-Saharan Africa" is a World Bank study published in 2017. It gives insight into the demand for and supply of tertiary education, and educational disparities, in sub-Saharan Africa.

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