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Useful sources about Africa

Welfare & population

Distribution of the population by ethnicity/nationality

A breakdown of the Kenyan population based on ethnicity, according to the 2019 census. For non-Kenyans, a breakdown of their respective countries of origin is provided.

Welfare & population
Sex & gender

Gender participation in key decision-making positions

The participation of women and men in decision-making through selected positions of leadership in Kenya in 2018.

Welfare & population

Distribution of the population by age & sex

A breakdown of the Kenyan population by age and sex, according to the 2019 census.

Welfare & population

Status of equality & inclusion in Kenya

A 2016 report by the National Gender and Equality Commission that explores the extent to which the principles of inclusion have been implemented in employment, political representation, social protection and education at national and county government level in Kenya.

Welfare & population

Social grant budget allocations

The national budget allocations for social grants for 2019/2020, published by the National Treasury.

Welfare & population

Kenya Population and Housing Census 2019 : Volume IV (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)

Data published by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) on the distribution of the population by county and sub-county, and population density in 2019. The Kenya Population and Housing Census is carried out every 10 years.


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