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Useful sources about Africa

Welfare & population

Scrutiny of data on older people in Africa

A study that evaluates the quality of nationally representative data on older Africans. It examines the accuracy of age data collected from different sources.
Welfare & population

Gender data portal

The World Bank's gender data portal provides labour force and income level data by gender.
Welfare & population

Global database with religion by country

The World Religion Database provides demographic statistics and data sources on international religious information, including for the African continent.
Welfare & population

UN data providing breakdown by religion

A UN database that provides country data on population by religion, sex and urban/rural residence. It only includes data from available population and housing censuses reported to the UN Statistics Division.
Welfare & population

World Bank population data

A World Bank population databank that includes graphs, maps and comparisons between population indicators in sub-Saharan Africa.
Welfare & population

UN population data

World Population Prospects, a database from the UN Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, is often used for population calculations and forecasts.

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