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Useful sources about Africa


Nigeria's health financing context

An overview of Nigeria's health financing profile, including healthcare expenditure. The document was developed by USAID's African Strategies for Health project.

Nigeria's mental health system assessment, 2006

A report on the assessment of the mental health system in Nigeria using a standardised World Health Organisation assessment instrument for mental healthcare. It was published in 2006.

Millennium development goal progress towards eradicating maternal mortality in Nigeria, 2016

This document outlines bottlenecks to and interventions needed for the achievement of the millennium development goal of better maternal healthcare. It was published in August 2016.

Infant, under-five and maternal mortality rates, UNICEF data

A 20-page UNICEF document providing data on under-five, infant, neonatal and maternal mortality rates broken down by geopolitical zones, education background and wealth. It also covers immunisation coverage by type of vaccine.

Global data on death and disability for Nigeria

A global database on mortality rates and other indicators, generated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. It includes figures on the communicable and non-communicable diseases that cause the most health problems, the risk factors that drive the most death and disability and how Nigeria shapes up in terms of premature death compared to other countries.

Estimates of immunisation coverage in Nigeria, 2017

World Health Organisation estimates of immunisation coverage from vaccinations administered during a given period (numerator data). Available for download in PDF.

Agrarian GIS land use data in Nigeria from FAO database

A geographic information system (GIS) dataset of agrarian land use in Nigeria. The data includes an ArcGIS layer for styling as there are 23 different filters. It downloads directly as a zipped folder. The data is hosted on GeoNetwork, an open-source platform from the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), that provides geographically referenced thematic information.

Nigeria's international migration profile, UNICEF data

Data on the legal instruments related to international migration, international migrant stock by age and gender and annual rates of natural increase. This PDF is for Nigeria's migration profile.
Natural resources & energy

Dashboard on Nigeria's power use and constraints

A daily report on Nigeria's power sector, created by the advisory team of the vice-president of Nigeria. It includes average hourly power sent out daily, constraints and peak energy hours.

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