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Useful sources about Africa


Education financing in Africa

This research report uses data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics to investigate the financing of education in sub-Saharan Africa, specifically looking at the challenges of education expansion, equity and quality.

UNESCO database of education standards in Africa

The Education in Africa database by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics provides data on school standards on the continent.

Tertiary education access in sub-Saharan Africa

"Sharing higher education’s promise beyond the few in Sub-Saharan Africa" is a World Bank study published in 2017. It gives insight into the demand for and supply of tertiary education, and educational disparities, in sub-Saharan Africa.
Elections & political parties

Database on African elections sourced from public data

The African Elections Database provides data on elections in sub-Saharan Africa, sourced from public information. It is unclear whether the data is kept updated, as recent electoral changes in countries such as Ethiopia and South Africa are not included. It does, however, provide historical data.
Elections & political parties

African election observation reports and statements

The Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa's database contains election observation reports and statements.

Elections & political parties

African future elections calendar

The Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa's resources include this calendar of upcoming elections in Africa.


Africa Check Fact-Check: No, South African university not offering witchcraft course - it’s just satire


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