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Useful sources about Africa


UNESCO data on South African school standards

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics database provides information on compulsory education requirements in South Africa and official school ages by level of education.

UNESCO data on literacy by age and gender

UNESCO data on literacy in Nigeria's population aged 15 and older. It includes adult and youth literacy rates broken down by gender.

UNESCO data on Nigeria's education system, including expenditure and completion rates

Education progress and completion rates, education expenditure and a summary of Nigeria's schooling system provided by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS).

School attendance, number of schools and teachers by state, 2013/14

Basic education statistics in Nigeria including number of primary and junior secondary schools by state, number of teachers and school enrolment. Data is for the 2013/14 period.

Nigeria's policy on learners with special needs

Nigeria's policy document on special needs education including requirements for access, physical facilities, assessment of learners with special needs and financial provision. It was released by the Federal Ministry of Education in 2015.

Nigerian government education budget

The Nigerian budget office's website provides a depository of current and previous state budgets. The 2018 budget proposal and budget speech details the latest spending on education. Documents can be downloaded in PDF or Word format.

Quality assurance audit reports on basic education in Nigeria

The Universal Basic Education Programme website contains data for download up to 2014, including early childhood facility enrolment rates and national quality assurance audit reports.

Comparative data measuring children’s ability to read for meaning

The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) provides comparative data on student learning in reading. It is conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. It has assessed reading comprehension in over 60 countries since 2001.

UNICEF primary and secondary out-of-school rates by sex

UNICEF provides aggregated data on primary and secondary education including the out-of-school population of boys and girls for the years 2000 to 2015.

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