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Useful sources about Africa


UNHCR database of displaced populations

The UNHCR refugee agency's Population Statistics Database provides data, up to 2014, on global populations of concern, as defined by the UN, such as refugees and asylum seekers. Interactive country data is visualised in map format.

UNHCR African refugee data

Refugee agency UNHCR Africa's website provides news and other resources on emergency zones across the continent. A country filter allows users to search refugee information by African country, including policy documents and statistics from Refworld, a UNHCR documentation initiative.
Natural resources & energy

Database of mines by mineral and project size

A World Bank affiliated project, the Africa Power Mining database shows existing and planned mines across the continent by mineral, ore grade and project size. It synthesises existing data from annual reports, mining news sites, the US Geological Survey and others.
Natural resources & energy

Synthesis report on African mining investments

The State of Mining in Africa is a synthesised desktop-based report looking at investment trends and challenges on the continent. It includes royalty tax rates by country.
Natural resources & energy

UN data on drinking water and sanitation

The UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) 2017 report is the formal global monitoring instrument used for the sustainable development goals. It provides aggregates at national level.

Welfare & population

UN data providing breakdown by religion

A UN database that provides country data on population by religion, sex and urban/rural residence. It only includes data from available population and housing censuses reported to the UN Statistics Division.
Welfare & population

World Bank population data

A World Bank population databank that includes graphs, maps and comparisons between population indicators in sub-Saharan Africa.
Welfare & population

UN population data

World Population Prospects, a database from the UN Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, is often used for population calculations and forecasts.

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