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Beware of scammers, Nigeria’s Federal Polytechnic Offa not recruiting

IN SHORT: Nigeria's Federal Polytechnic Offa in Kwara state has warned the public to be wary of internet fraudsters behind a fake recruitment going on in its name.

A message circulating on Facebook in Nigeria claims that the Federal Polytechnic Offa (Fedpoffa) is recruiting for both academic and non-academic positions in the institution. 

The polytechnic is located in Offa town in Kwara state in the north-central part of the country and has 15,000 students. The institution enrolled more than 11,000 students for the 2022/23 academic year, according to media reports.

The message reads: “Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State (Fedpoffa), is recruiting academic and non-academic staff for various positions this 2023/2024 academic year.”

We found several instances of the claim on Facebook here, here, and here

But is the polytechnic recruiting? we checked.


‘Fake recruitment’

There is no evidence of hiring on the Federal Polytechnic Offa’s official website, or Facebook page.

On 14 September, the institution issued a disclaimer through the Facebook page of its public relations unit stating that the job ad was not from the polytechnic.

“The Management describes this information as fallacious and cheap attempt to defraud the unsuspecting members of the public,” the statement said

It warned the public to ignore the  recruitment ad.

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